Bèt Melania a: chat Kuzya ak chen Boniface.

Bèt Melania a: chat Kuzya ak chen Boniface.

«My name is Rybachonok Melania Alexandrovna. I’m 10 years old. I want to tell you about my pets. 

The dog’s name is Boniface. His breed is Chihuahua. He is very affectionate and kind. It was given to me by my parents. In the morning and in the evening we go for a walk with him, and after we come home, we play. Sometimes when I go to school it sometimes seems to me that Boniface misses me very much. Every morning he accompanies me to school in a place with my mother, he has a very sad look. At these moments, it is especially difficult for me to forget him. But when I come home, he greets me with joy and barking. He rushes about, jumps around me, waits for me to change clothes and start playing with him. I love my pets very much.

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