Ki sa ki se kwaze rejwisans Kuchinsky nan poul: karakteristik antretyen yo ak manje

Ki sa ki se kwaze rejwisans Kuchinsky nan poul: karakteristik antretyen yo ak manje

In their backyard, amateur poultry farmers prefer to breed universal breeds of meat and egg chickens, as their content provides the family with both egg and meat products. Therefore, a bird is selected that meets all the requirements of the poultry breeder. The Kuchinsky breed of chickens has proven itself very well in our country. This bird is in great demand among the population.

Creation of the Kuchinsky anniversary breed of chickens

This breed of chickens was created in the post-war years of the last century in the state poultry plant “Kuchinsky”. To obtain this line, genetic material was taken from such breeds as: Rhodeylan, Russian White, Austrolorps, White Plymouth Rocks, New Hampshire, Liven.

From foreign chickens brought to our country were taken the best qualities: excellent meat and egg productivity, strong physique, vitality of young animals, autosex, high meat yield.

Good adaptability to the climatic conditions of our country was taken from the local Liven roosters.

General description of the breed

In the description of the appearance, the roosters and hens of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed have significant differences.

  • Chickens have a strongly bent down beak and large bulging eyes. Their well-developed comb is thickened at the base, has a leaf-like shape and five clearly divided teeth. The earlobes of chickens are rounded, smooth, tightly pressed to the head. Their earrings are of medium length. The Kuchinskaya jubilee has a slightly arched neck, which connects a well-developed long and wide body with a medium-sized head. The tail of the bird has a small, small span.
  • In males of this breed, the head is decorated with a high, erect, leaf-shaped comb, which is divided into five teeth. The posterior teeth are slightly longer than the anterior ones. At the base, the crest is quite thick.
  • Earrings of the Kuchinsky jubilee cockerel are of moderate length. They are neatly rounded at the bottom and do not have leathery folds and wrinkles. His earlobes are large.
  • The cockerel has a strong flexible neck, covered with a voluminous collar that almost covers the shoulders of the bird. His chest is deep, wide, strongly rounded. The back is long and broad, sloping towards the tail.
  • Medium but strong wings of a rooster fit snugly to the body. Their lower edge when folded is located horizontally. Roosters of this breed have a tail of medium size. The long, large tail tufts extend beyond the tail feathers, overlapping each other. Legs, metatarsus and lower legs are stable, of medium length, with well-developed muscles.

Subspecies of Kuchinsky jubilee chickens

According to the color of plumage, Kuchinsky chickens are divided into two subspecies:


The body of chickens of this subspecies is covered golden bay plumage. Each feather with a clear black border. They have black hens with a golden-bay border, a neck collar and a golden-bay head. The head and collar of the roosters are the same color as those of the hens. Its tail is dominated by golden brown and black. The metatarsus and legs are yellow, and the belly, wings and chest are golden bay, with a black border on each feather.

Double outlined:

The female of this species has a light red head. She has a black fan around her neck and red rods of feathers. Each feather on the body of a chicken has at least two shades. The rest of the plumage has wouj koulè with black tint.

Roosters have a bright red head and a collar with black feathers that have a bright red border. The color of the tail is divided into color segments that have a red border. The chest of the rooster is black, with red spots on each feather. The belly, underfurs and down are dark gray. Metatarsus and legs are yellow.

Bird productivity

As already noted, the Kuchinsky jubilee breed of chickens belongs to meat-egg type. Chickens, as a rule, begin to rush from the age of six months. In the first year, the egg production rate reaches from one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty eggs. The mass of each egg is about sixty grams. The shell has a light brown color with a pink tint.

These birds are chosen by many breeders for meat production. Already at the age of ten weeks, hens weigh one and a half kilograms, and cockerels – about two. With age, the weight of chickens reaches three kilograms, and roosters weigh four. The meat of these birds surpasses even broilers in protein content, juiciness and aroma.

Karakteristik nan kontni an

  1. Kuchinsky anniversary chickens are adapted to the Russian winter and are unpretentious to temperature changes.
  2. Easily getting used to new owners, they become peaceful and tame.
  3. They should be allocated a separate room, as birds are prone to aggression if a stranger has entered their territory.
  4. You can keep them both in cages and outdoors.
  5. A warm, ventilated wooden room will be the best home for birds.
  6. With a cellular content, it is more convenient to control the feed intake of the bird and prevent it from overeating.
  7. There should not be many roosters in a flock of chickens. One rooster for thirteen hens is the best option.
  8. Chickens of this breed love walks, which should be organized even in the winter season at a temperature of at least fifteen degrees.

Possible Content Issues

Birds of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed should not be overfed. As a result of overfeeding, the following problems may appear:

  • Diminye fètilite.
  • Plizyè maladi.
  • Carcass weight growth.
  • Decrease in rates or complete absence of oviposition.

A mother hen, while hatching chickens, may forget to eat. This needs to be monitored and chase the bird from the nest. Otherwise, the chicken may weaken and get sick.

Feeding the Kuchinsky anniversary breed of chickens

To food, this breed of chickens is unpretentious, they do not need to maintain a strict diet. In turn, do not forget that the productivity of poultry directly depends on a balanced and high-quality diet.

Poul must be fed crushed egg rolled in semolina. Gradually, bone meal, chopped greens, chopped root crops, and protein supplements are introduced into their diet.

Adult birds are fed grain of various varieties, with the addition of minerals and vitamins, wet mash, protein feed. Considered a good food option dry compound feed. They are enriched with all the necessary substances that are needed to maintain egg production and bird productivity.

Regardless of the time of year, greens must be in the diet of the Kuchinsky Jubilee. Roosters and hens of this breed in search of grass during a walk can go far from home.

Features of breeding Kuchinsky breed

During the spring, the Kuchinskaya hen at a time is able to grow up to thirty or more chickens. Also, for breeding chickens, you can purchase an incubator egg or young. Being excellent mother hens, Kuchinsky hens willingly breed young growth of other birds.

Hatched chicks need warmth. They should be kept in warm, light and dry room. In the first ten days of life, the temperature for chickens should be about thirty degrees. In the following days, it should be gradually reduced by three degrees, bringing it up to twenty degrees in a month.

Chicken nutrition

If chickens are properly fed, including a vitamin complex in their diet, then they grow quickly.

1st week: dry millet, millet porridge, finely chopped egg.

2nd week: cottage cheese mixed with finely chopped greens, grated carrots.

4th week: Bread crumbs and boiled fish are added to the diet.

The first month of chicks should be fed chak de zè de tan. The night break in feeding should be no more than six hours. From the second month, the young animals are transferred to six meals a day.

Food in the feeders should always be present. Since young animals are highly susceptible to intestinal disorders, feeders must be regularly cleaned of residues, preventing stagnation and souring in them. To prevent digestive disorders, chickens are given light pink solisyon pèrmanganat potasyòm.

High productivity, unpretentiousness in cultivation, excellent palatability and adaptability to local climatic conditions have allowed Kuchinsky chickens to win the hearts of many poultry farmers.

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